If you have questions regarding our facility that are not adequately answered on this website, please feel free to ask questions.
Access and Authorized Areas
You are a visitor at Argonne National Labs, and as such are restricted as to where you may be while at the APS/ Argonne. The APS operates on a ‘CAT’ system. All CATS at the APS are actually separate entities, so you only have access to the BioCAT Beamline, BioCAT Computers, as well as the common areas and common hallways of the APS. You may not wander into the offices or experimental areas of ‘other’ (non-BioCAT) beamlines. You may not use any non-BioCAT computers except for your personal ones. Doing so constitutes a security violation and will be reported to the heads of Argonne Security and investigated. If you are found to be in violation of these policies, quite possibly you will never be allowed on site again.
As a user of BioCAT, you only have authorized access to those areas of Argonne which pertain to your experiment. This includes:
- The common areas and hallways of the APS.
- The Argonne Guest House and Cafeteria.
- The BioCAT LOM(Offices).
- BioCAT Wet and Dry Labs.
- BioCAT Experimental Floor.
You are required to wear your APS/ Argonne badge so that it is visible. You are also required to wear your radiation (dosimeter) badge at heart height.
Wearing shorts, skirts and/or open-toes shoes is not allowed in labs or on the experimental floor.
Argonne Landline Phones
The BioCAT landline extension at the beamline console on the experimental floor is 2-1818. Notice that within the Argonne campus, you may use the last 5 digits of the number that you wish to call. The cell-phone numbers of BioCAT Staff are available at the beamline console landline phone. To dial an external number, dial 71, then the area code and number. Floor coordinators may be paged via the APS Website or they may be paged by dialing 2-0101 from the beamline phone and 2-1818 in response to a call-back number.
- Dialing 911 from any Argonne Landline phone will connect you with the Argonne Protective Force for immediate medical or security emergency.
- From cell phones, you may dial 1-630-252-1911 to be directly connected in an emergency.