If you have questions regarding our facility that are not adequately answered on this website, please feel free to ask questions.
Electrical and Equipment Safety
Device Inspections
If you are bringing or have brought any devices (other than laptop/desktop computers) to support your experiment, you must notify members of BioCAT staff, so that they may be inspected.
All electrical/ mechanical/ high-pressure/ other devices brought on site are subject to the Argonne Electrical Safety and Inspection Policy. This means that your devices cannot be connected to power until they are approved by an ANL DEEI (Designated Electrical Equipment Inspector). Please consult the BioCAT Staff before powering up any electrical device.
Electrical Work
Users may connect approved devices to power, and use them as intended by the manufacturer, and as outlined in the ESAF. However, users are not permitted to perform any electrical repair or troubleshooting. Also, users are restricted to working at or below 25 V (for wire connections) and never while devices are energized (Mode Zero).
What does this mean? This means if you experience any issues with electrical equipment while at Argonne, you are not authorized to repair it, so you should get a member of BioCAT Staff who is qualified (ANL Qualified Electrical Worker) to repair it and notify them of the issues.
Areas Outlined in Yellow-and-Black Striped Tape
Yellow-and-Black striped tape is used on the floor in various areas at Argonne to indicate a controlled-access area (egress), such as that surrounding an emergency electrical shutoff or an emergency exit aisle.
Do not place anything (chairs, equipment, bookbags, etc) inside of a yellow-and-black striped taped-off area, and do not block the pathway into it.