
BioCAT is helping organize an introductory small angle scattering workshop at the 2024 ACA Annual Meeting in Denver CO. The workshop will introduce both the theory of the method and best practices common to the field and will include lectures and a selection of hands-on practical exercises from leading experts in the field.

The course will take place on July 7th, 2024.

How to register

Registration and more information can be found on the ACA website (workshop 2):

Registration fee (meeting registration also required):

  • $75 USD - Student
  • $150 USD - Regular, Retired, Postdoc and Corporate Members

More information

Workshop: Applications of Small Angle Scattering to Structural Biology: An Introduction

Small angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS/SANS, or SAS) has experienced dramatic growth over the past fifteen years within the structural biology community, emerging as an important and versatile analytical technique for the study of the structure and function of biological macromolecules in solution. This workshop at the 2024 ACA annual meeting in Denver CO will introduce both the theory of the method and best practices common to the field and will include lectures and a selection of hands-on practical exercises. Throughout the workshop the emphasis will be on practical application: knowing how to judge data quality, how to troubleshoot during data collection, and the expectations for a successful experiment and acceptable publication. Students will also learn about aspects of home laboratory data collection and important complementary biophysical techniques for validating your SAS data.

Course topics include:

  • Basic principles of SAS
  • Critical sample preparation and data collection procedures, including SEC-SAXS
  • Basic data processing including size (Rg, Dmax), molecular weight, the P(r) function, and real space reconstructions
  • Overview of ensemble and atomistic modeling
  • Evaluating data quality and hands-on tutorials with data processing software
  • What you need to know for publication

Confirmed speakers:

  • Thomas Grant (U. Buffalo)
  • Kushol Gupta (U. Pennsylvania)
  • Michal Hammel (ALS)
  • Jesse Hopkins (BioCAT, APS)
  • Greg Hura (ALS)
  • Andreas Keilbach (Anton Paar)
  • Steve Meisburger (Cornell U.)
  • Sai Venkatesh Pingali (ORNL)
  • Thomas Weiss (SSRL)

The workshop is sponsored in part by:

  • Anton Paar
  • Waters/Wyatt
  • Rigaku
  • SAXS Consulting
  • Xenocs

Tentative schedule

Note: All times are Mountain Daylight Time (UTC-6)

Sunday 7/7/24

08:00 am Registration, software installation help, speaker introduction
08:15 am BioSAS Overview
08:45 am Basic data reduction and model-independent analysis
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Tutorial 1: Basic data reduction and model-independent analysis
11:45 am Lunch (provided)
12:00 pm Working Lunch: Introduction to Small Angle Neutron Scattering
12:30 pm Working Lunch: Laboratory Source SAXS
12:45 pm Sample preparation and complementary biophysical methods for sample assessment
01:45 pm SEC-SAXS
02:15 pm Tutorial 2: SEC-SAXS data analysis
02:45 pm Break
03:00 pm Model-dependent analysis of SAS data
03:30 pm Tutorial 3: Atomistic modeling
04:00 pm Ab initio reconstruction of shape from scattering data
04:30 pm Tutorial 4: Ab initio reconstruction of shape from scattering data
05:00 pm Publishing SAS data
05:30 pm Conclusion