BioCAT is very excited to be welcoming users back to the facility starting in February. If you are interested in beam time next run, please contact the appropriate beamline scientist: Dr. Weikang Ma for muscle/fiber diffraction and Dr. Max Watkins for solution SAXS.
If you want beamtime, you can also check out our guide to applying for time.
A few key updates on how things have changed from before the APS-U dark period:
- The APS has a new proposal system, called the Universal Proposal System (UPS). BioCAT users should put in either Standard General User Proposals (GUPs), which are good for 2 years and are the preferred proposal style at BioCAT, or Rapid Access GUPs, which are good for 1 run. For the upcoming spring run only Rapid Access proposals can be accepted, due to the proposal deadlines.
- On-site users must request a dosimeter at least 3 business days in advance of their experiment in order to carry out their experiments.